Eine Reise zu Dir

Tauche ein in die Welt der Fülle und verbinde Dich mit Deiner Dankbarkeit. Erinnere Dich an Deine Liebe. Erinnere Dich an die unerschöpfliche Quelle der Freude in Deinem Herzen. Du bist wundervoll. Lass alles los, was gehen will und lade ein, was kommen möchte. Geniesse die Reise zurück zu Dir.

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Earth (Guided meditation) is the first of four tracks from Lucie Lynch and Daniel Gilad's collaboration "The Four Elements (Guided meditation)". The recordings were channelled live by Lucie at Mele Studios in Honolulu without any cuts or edits, then soundscapes created by Daniel to enhance the listening experience. These tracks are intended to support listeners in these times of change, to create mindful spaces for reflection & reconnection, and to help focus our distracted minds so that we can remember the universal truth that we are all connected.